Monday, January 16, 2006

Dating Drew Barrymore

Oh! I almost forgot the other movie we rented this weekend... There is a documentary out called "My Date With Drew," which chronicles the adventures of Brian Herzlinger as he attempts to meet, and secure a date, with his longtime crush, Drew Barrymore. On it's own, the movie is just "okay," I give it a B-," but we found it really funny for some personal reasons.

Firstly, way back in the day, my friend Tubby and I once made a movie called "I Won't Back Down," which was a goofy comedy chronicling my (fictional) attempts to meet Tom Petty and get him to perform a song I wrote for him. A song called "Devil Dogs."

Okay, now the other reason that "Drew" was so enjoyable was the fact that Brian H. appears to be the long-lost, separated-at-birth, twin brother of my good friend Scott. Not only do they look alike, but the mannerisms, expression, and personality are dead-on as well. Even if you don't know my friend Scott, perhaps you will still be amazed by the physical resemblence:

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