Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Baseball Obsessed

I'm having trouble coming up to stuff to write about in this speace lately, mostly because I have baseball fever and can't think of anything besides the Mets. I've been posting quite a bit over at my other blog,, though, so if that subject interests you please stop by!

We visited New York this past weekend and it was awesoem to see our friends and family for the weekend, as well as to indulge in our favorite New York treats - H&H Bagels, Angelo's Pizza, and the New York mass transit system. It's good to be back in N.C. though, as today my friends back home are suffering through a snowstorm and it's warm enough down here to walk around outside without a jacket.

I was outside a little bit more than usual this morning, as I had to clean up after Mookie. Mookie killed her first rabbit this morning. Michelle found a baby rabbit sleeping under our deck, and then Mookie found it. Needless to say, the two animals did not become friends, and I had to go home and dispose of the rabbit's body. So, Easter will be cancelled this year at the Mookie household, as it turns out Mookie killed The Easter Bunny's kid.

Dogs will be dogs, I guess.

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