Monday, July 18, 2005

A New York State of Mind

If you're a transplanted New Yorker, or need a gift for one, I've learned of an excellent website. One of the things I've missed about New York is the availability of rainbow cookies, also known as seven layer cookies. If you've ever attended a New York wedding you know these tasty treats: On a giant platter of assorted Italian cookies, you'll find two or three of these heavenly morsels, in all their red, yellow, and green glory. Grab one fast because they don't last long!

Anyway, these cookies are nowhere to be found down here, but I was given a box of them as a gift this weekend by my new favorite coworker. She ordered them from This website is incredible! In addition to these cookies and Jerry Seinfeld's favorite black and white cookies from the William Greenberg Bakery, browse around and you'll also find Guss's pickles, H&H Bagels, Kossar's Bialy's, and Junior's of Brooklyn Cheesecake! Now all I need is Angelo's Pizza. Mmmmm......

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